sábado, 18 de octubre de 2008

Webcam 174f:8a31 UVC on Laptop ASUS F9SG,F9S,X20SG,X20S

Ok,today, a new trick...how to make the cam works in this laptop.

Since I bought this laptop, I've looking for solutions...but it wasn't until the kernel 2.6.26 was release when the cam was recognized...although it didn't work.

But the last piece of new was that the new kernel, 2.6.27, recognizes this webcam and, since I didn't want to recompile a kernel, I looked how to compile and install one module:

First, download all this files. This is the driver for our linux

Now, it's quite simple. Just execute:

¿Is it all ok? Perfect...
We have to remove the old module:
rmmod uvcvideo

And install the new one. (Execute this command in the same path you've compiled the driver)
insmod uvcvideo.ko

Try now
xawtv /dev/video0

Does it work?;)

1 comentario:

dafero dijo...

Hola, ¿no hay ninguna forma de configurar la WebCam sin tener que actualizar el Kernel?
Yo tengo el 2.6.24 y y me da algo de yuyu bajarme un kernel nueo y andar compilandolo.
¿Hay alguna forma de hacerlo automáticamente?
Quería empezar a usar la WebCam con Skype.
Por cierto tengo el F9SG y también soy estudiante de Ing. Tec. Infomática :)

Un saludo desde Asturias y gracias!